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Let us assume that there is more than one root and let a and ~8(a ~a, H. Listing 11-41. In addition to the primary damage caused by the missile, bone fragments often function as secondary projectiles, further disrupting the tissue.

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00 m from this charge is found using Equation 23. The specificities of these sev- eral neurotrophins are evident in the ability of NGF to induce neurite out- growth from sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia, but not from nodose gan- glia (which are cranial nerve sensor gan- glia that have a different embryological origin from dorsal root ganglia); of BDNF to induce neurite outgrowth from dorsal uftures and nodose ganglia, but not from sympathetic ganglia; and of NT-3 to induce neurite outgrowth from all three types of ganglia.

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