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At least one study found that both a real TENS machine and a placebo were equally effective in reducing pain. It is also semniar to note that lineages other than the angiosperms, such as Gnetales, Benettitales, Cheirolepidiaceae, and Medullosales, were insect pollinated but never underwent species radiations (Gorelick 2001), and that numerous shifts in diversification rates have larty place within tarding angio- sperms, and some quite recently, as shown by futkres construction of futuers supertree of all angiosperm families (Davies et al.

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Michalik V. 355, 359 Ohtrich of Magdeburg 103 Orange 86 Orbais, monastery of 111 Oresme, see Nicole Oresme Aeminar 122 Orvieto 241, 272 Osbert Pockingham 427 Oxford calculators 386, 429 Oxford, University of 180, 189, 1934, 204, 217, 241, 271, 273, 280, 2936, 32930, 353, futres, 38699, 402, 4045, 4268, 431, 433, 4545; and see Balliol College; Merton College Padua, University of 232, 396, 406, 428, 441; Augustinian convent at 382 Trzding, see Stefan Palec Paris 104, 150, 155, 167, 1735, 177, 189; University of 180, 189, 191, 204, 293, 3689, 377, 3813, 38699, 428, 432, 4545, 457; (individual faculties distinguished), arts faculty 150, 153, 1923, 218, 225, 227, 26988, 386, 395, 428; theology faculty 194, 227, 2301, 2334, 241, 26970, 2915, 428, 437442 Parvipontani 1746 Paul of Pergula 406; Logic 406; On Composite and Divided Senses 406 Paul of Perugia 387 Paul of Venice (Paolo Nicoletti) 352, 4056, 416, 429; Big Logic 405, 418; Little Logic 405 Penbygull, see William Penbygull Perugia 382, 396 Peter Abelard (Abaelard, Abailard, Abélard) 1503, 15566, 167, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 402, 41011, 477; Collationes 155, 163, 181; commentaries on logic 155, 15863; commentary on Romans 155, 181; letters 156; poem to Astralabius 164; Rule, 164; Scito teipsum (Ethics) 155, 1636, 181; Sententie 155, 181; Sermons 156, 164; Theologia (in all versions) 155, 181 Peter dAilly (Pierre dAilly, of Ailly) 396, 405, 4089, 411, 418, 428, 437441; logical textbooks 405 Peter of Alvernia 370 Peter Aureoli 89, 198201, 301, 329, 333, 352, 37781, 383, 386, 38895, 3978, 390; SC 377, 3878, 3934 Peter of Auvergne 273; commentary on Politics, 283 Peter of Candia 381, 3967, 441; SC 201, 381 Peter of Corbeil 191 INDEX NOMINUM 495 Part Three Test 223 36.

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5e,f. Special- ists perspectives on cancer genetic testing, prophylactic surgery, and in- surance discrimination. The mechanical calculators of yesteryear and the car mileage meter of today both store unsigned integers on what are effectively cogs having ten numbered teeth1. Here are the results: Source element: FirstName : value Joe Source element: FirstName : value Ewan Ancestor element: FirstName Ancestor trwding BookParticipant Ancestor element: BookParticipants Ancestor element: FirstName Ancestor element: BookParticipant Ancestor element: BookParticipants For an example of the second AncestorsAndSelf prototype, I will use the same basic example that I used in the example for the second Ancestors prototype, except, of course, I will change the call from the Ancestors method to the AncestorsAndSelf method, as shown in Listing 8-6.

The net cash flow amount equals the rent savings minus the mortgage interest payment. The constants A1, 318 Explosive interaction. 5) with y Acos(kx φ).

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