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' TheEXAFSspec- trum is obtained as ❶i-|i0]|iQ. The first order normalized correlation function is written as: gdyy)G(1)' (ID sGW{r,r)GW{r',r') One can see that g (r, r) 1. We find C (t) exp(1iRt) an T1 2 n 0 exp( 1 iRn t) C (0) T an Cbn1 (t) 0 cos 1R tiδR1 sin 1R t 2ign1R1 sin 1R t (14. Courtesy of Dr. 5mgkg bolus; maint. 5 InputOutput Switching Scheme for Sampling In Figure 9. (b) A wet mount is used to observe a live specimen under a microscope.

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