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If the particle detector, typically a large volume of a suitable gas such as argon, is placed in a mag- netic field, the trajectory is deflected into a circular path (by the same law that makes electric motors turn when an electric current (moving charge) passes TABLE 1 Michael Dine PARTICLE IDENTIFICATION Masses, Interactions, and Average Lifetimes against Decay for Selected Particles Particle Proton (p) Electron(e ) Muon () Pion() Kaon (K ) Photon () Charge (proton charge 1) 1 1 1 1 1 0 Mass (proton mass 1) Absorption length in iron (cm) Mean lifetime (sec) Average distance to decay (cm) K00 1 108 Stable 9 1011 4,000 Infinite 30 s Bs0 CREDIT: Courtesy of David H.

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Eerd- mans Publishing. 9 Output Definition 4. The beginners in trading frequently use indicators without getting into their theoretical aspect (mathematical principle that stands behind the signals formation). Further Reading and References 153 Troy B Fre, Cooper R A, Robertson R N and Grey T L 1994 An analysis of working postures of manual wheelchair users in the working environment Proc.

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