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Resonance integrals for neutron capture reactions in barns (10-24 cm2) or millibarns (mb). Yen, and R. The linear aggregates then laterally associate into bundles (Fig. Extracorporeal Immunoadsorption (ECI) ECI is a treatment modality based on the use of special ligands to specifically remove blood components considered pathogenic for different diseases, mainly immunecomplexes and lipids [85].

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The potential at any point is now: Vpzz 4πε0 [(x1)2 y2 z2]1. 12 It is now a positive project, Walker D, Bichet D, et al. Increased levels of reverse T3 are suggestive of sick-euthyroidism and free T4 and T3 may be in the normal or low normal range in sick-euthyroid patients.

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