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223 394 Cylindrical Equal-Area Projection Cylindrical Function Cylindrical Equal-Area Projection A transverse form of the cylindrical equal-area projec- tion is given by the equations p: X cos4sin(A - X0) Y tan-1 [ cos;~~~Ao)] - 0, (10) (9) The MAP PROJECTION having transformation equa- tions, and the inverse FORMULAS are x(x-xo)cos~, sin 4 y- cos s (1) (2) -x2 1 (12) 4 sin-[ X X0 tan-l - x2sin(y o)] (11) --os(yo) [A for the normal aspect, and inverse transformation t ions equa- References Snyder, J.

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A 16 Multiply the square of the radius by. Amenemhet III 1842-1797 B. 622 146 1. 670. Verify that Sn is valid for n 1 S1 61 21 4. The energy made available by this spontaneous electron flow (the free-energy change for the oxidation- reduction reaction) is proportional to E: G n E or G n E (136) Here n represents the number of electrons transferred in the reaction.

The author has a proto- col that can be mailed to remote physiotherapy locations to ensure that the early extension routine is started. The gravitational field generated by this concentra- tion of mass is so strong that not only objects but even light passing within range can never escape. sterically favored; it corresponds to an equatorial attack (Figure 8. Of newton meters (N m), the inertia has units of kilogram per meter squared (kgm2), and the angular acceleration has units of radians per second squared (rads2).

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