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The first electrons wont start to enter the positive terminal until more than five seconds have passed. 6 g Ni(OH)2 You should now work Exercises 30 and 34. Table 1 Symbol A 0 c(i ) c(i ) s c(i ) x C(i,j) C(S,i) F K ij L LS m(H,j) q(i ) q max Q ij R S S} T V y(i) y(i, i) z(i) ð i ðx Unit m2 g’1 mol L’1 mol L’1 mol L’1 F m’2 F m’2 As L N N mol g’1 mol g’1 N J mol’1 g K N N N Asm’2 V Definition Specific surface area Concentration of species i Concentration of species i in the Stern layer Concentration of species i at position x in an electrical field Electric capacitance of capacitor formed by the layers of species i and j Electric capacitance of capacitor formed by the surface and the layer of species i Faraday constant Equilibrium constant of surface reaction Volume of liquid phase left-hand side expression of eqns [38] and [39] Abbreviation, defined by eqn [22] Oxide loading with species i Maximum exchanger loading Generalized separation factor Gas constant Mass of sorbent Abbreviation used to designate the surface Temperature Sign of charge Dimensionless loading with species i Probability of the presence of two adjacent ions, i at the surface Valence of species i Surface charge density of layer with ions i Electrical potential at position x Protonation S}OHH H S}OH s2 Dissociationneutralization S}O’Hs [5] c(S}OH) K" 2 [6] where c is the concentration of the species in paren- K’1 H c(H)s ) c(S}OH) theses in mol L’1.

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All examples are presented both in C and VB. The gene has not been eliminated from the population because it confers resistance to malaria.

1 Sector mass spectrometer Fig. Petrou (output of sym. 5° to 3. AlCrFe alloys belong to the class of complex metal alloys (CMAs) with XXIV List of Contributors Pinsky MR Department of Critical Care Medicine University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 607 Scaife Hall 3550 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, PA 15261 United States Plotz FB Department of Pediatric Intensive Care Offices D 11 PO Box 7057 1007 MB Amsterdam Netherlands Polderman KH Department of Intensive Care University Medical Center PO Box 7057 1007 MB Amsterdam Garden trading cream pedal bin Pottecher J Department of Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care Centre Hospitaller Universitaire de Bicetre 78 avenue du General Leclerc 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicetre France Pawner DJ Department of Neurosurgery University of Texas Health Sciences Center 6431 Fannin Street, MSB 7.

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