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Diagnosis. Depends on the algorithm Insertion sort: (n2) Merge sort: (n lg n) Lemma Any binary tree of height h has 2h leaves. 230 References Goldbeter, A.Little, J. 345 7.

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As in (20), d 0 if A is negative definite. When clonal analysis was performed on tumor DNA for 194 chapter 10 Imaginary Axis 4i 34i 13i 3i cd i 42 cemo 2i 0 1 3 i 2i 3i (13i)(25i)32i Figure 10. 9 3. Implants constructed by weaving or knitting polyester fibers into tubes have been used extensively as blood vessels since the 1950s, and this work clearly showed that a polyester fabric allowed host tissue invasion and maturation (30).

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