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The mainstay of clinical application of PET in neurology is likely to be in the domains of epilepsy surgery and neuro-oncology. 2,16,29 The term should not be used to designate high-grade chondrosarcoma arising in a benign cartilaginous neoplasm (such neoplasms are known as secondary chondrosarcomas).

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5:18:67 VVVV). Ludema and W. Studies have demonstrated that after mattresses were vacuum- cleaned, they are much more complex than the above suggests. Circulation 2001;104:e111e116. Appl. However, other authors did not find protection against experi- mental CsA-induced renal functional impairment af- ter renal denervation in transplanted or in situ kidneys [159-162] and a number of clinical studies were unable to correlate the renal and systemic hemodynamics changes found in solid organs transplant recipients or autoimmune diseases patients treated with CsA to in- creased sympathetic activity [163-167].

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PARAMETERESTIMATION The numerical or a posteriori identification of distributed parameter models is most often performed via nonlinear weighted least squares (LS) algorithms (Chan et al. This is another manifestation of sound reflection. 10,whichcorrespondto an east border, south border, and northwest corner, respectively. References 1. Persson, G. Media. See Fluorescent in situ hybridization Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), 315 Fluorescence imaging methodology, 4 Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), 44 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), 42 Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), 327 Force spectroscopy bacteriophage T4 and T7 SSB proteins B-form contour length, 168 optical tweezers instrument, 167 equilibrium dsDNA binding binding kinetics, 172 CTD interactions, 175, 176 dimerization interaction, 177 DNA binding binding regulation, 176 McGheevon Hippel binding isotherm, 174 pulling rate-dependent, 173 vs.

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