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11). ) Counterpoint IMRT-point and counterpoint 33 There are too many paper planning IMRT studies. 03 4. P(3 hearts), gooe no replacement occurs Determine whether the events are independent or dependent. Trasing 5. 1st biennial ESTRO meeting on physics in clinical radiotherapy (Budapest,1991)p 93 Mackie T R, Reckwerdt P J, Gehring M A, Holmes T W, Kubsad S S,Thomadsen B R, Sanders C A, Paliwal B R and Kinsella T J 1990a Clinical implementation of the convolutionsuperpositionmethod The use of computers in radiation therapy: Proceedings of the 10th Conference ed S Hukku and P S Iyer (Lucknow) pp 322-325 Mackie T R, Reckwerdt P J, Holmes T W and Kubsad S S 1990b Review of convolutionsuperpositionmethods for photon beam dose computation The use of computers in radiation therapy: Proceedings of the 10th Conference ed S Hukku and P S Iyer (Lucknow) pp 20-23 Mackie T R, Scrimger J W and Battista JJ 1985 A convolution method for calculating dose for 15-MVx rays Med.

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