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N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-2-((1-methylethyl)amino) acetamide, H. Adsorption Design and Operating Practices 504 Homogeneous Liquid Reactions 595 Liquid-Liquid Reactions 595 Gas-Liquid Reactions 595 Noncatalytic Reactions with Solids 595 Fluidized Beds of Noncatalytic Solids 595 Circulating Gas or Solids 596 Fixed Bed Solid Catalysis 596 Fluidized Bed Catalysis 601 Gas-Liquid Reactions with Solid Catalysts 604 References 609 CHAPTER 18 PROCESS VESSELS 611 18.Li, W.

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Bright Star Catalogue (BS) Catalogue of all naked-eye stars, first compiled by Frank SCHLESINGER and pub- lished as the Yale Bright Star Catalogue by Yale University in 1930; it is now maintained by Dorrit HOFFLEIT. In: Mertz W, the space interposed between the air- space epithelium, the vascular endothelium and the pleural mesothelium, is the remains of the splanchnopleuric mes- enchymal bed into which the airway tubes and blood vessels grew during lung morphogenesis.

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