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See Air pollution; of atmosphere, 648, 652653 lab; and fossil fuels, 648, 652653 lab; light, 396 act; noise, 334 act, 344345 lab Polonium, 542, 588, 590 Polyatomic ion, 619 Polyester(s), 453, 453, 715, 715, 774 Polyethylene, 739, 771, 773, 773 Polymers, 654, 739, 739740, 739 lab, 740, 740 act, 771775, 775 act; biological, 742747; changing properties of, 773, 773, 773 act; elastic, 775; history of, 772, 772; properties of, 773, 773, 773 act; strength of, 778779 lab; synthetic, 771772, 772, 773, 773, 773 act, 775, 780, 780; uses of, 771 Polypropylene, 771, 774 Polystyrene, 740, 740, 771 Polyurethane, 774, 775 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 771, 773 Position, and motion, 38, 39 Potassium, 572; symbol for, 506 Potassium bromide, 572, 673 Potassium carbonate, 708 Potassium chloride, 673 Potassium iodide, 579, 608609, 609, 615 Potassium nitrate, 673, 708 Potential energy, 103105, 108111; chemical, 103, 103, 115; conversion to kinetic energy, 108111, 109, 110; elastic, 103; Proton(s) gravitational, 104 act, 104105, 105, 106 lab, 109, 109 Power, 129131, 534; calculating, 129 lab, 130, 130 act, 131; electrical, 210211, 211; and energy, 131, 131; equation for, 130; measuring, 130 Power plants, 260261, 261262, 264, 264, 267, 267, 273, 274, 274, 275, 275 Power rating, 210, 211, 211 Precipitate, 643, 643 Precipitation, acid, 648, 695 lab, 718, 718 Prediction, 11 act Prefixes, 621; in SI, 15 Pressure, 490; and Bernoullis principle, 488, 488; and Boyles law, 492, 492493, 493 act; and dissolving, 675; electrical, 200, 200; in gases, 486487, 487, 487 act, 488, 488, 490, 490495, 491, 492; observing, 494 lab; and Pascals principle, 486487, 487, 487 act; and temperature, 494, 494 lab; and volume, 492, 492493, 493 act Prism, 383 lab, 387, 387 Problem, stating, 8 Product, 632 Project Apollo, 85 Projectile motion, 7980, 80 Promethium, 61, 589 Propane, 260, 727, 727, 728 Properties, 458465, 757 lab; hackage binary generic nexium name acids, 696; of alloys, 759, 759 lab, 760, 760, 761; of bases, 698; chemical, 461, 461; of compounds, 602, 602603, 603; of electromagnets, 232; identifying atoms by, 607 lab; magnetic, 459, 459; of metalloids, 584, 584; of metals, 569 lab, 570, 570571, 571, 759, 759; of nonmetals, 578579, 579; physical, 458, 458459, 459; of polymers, 773, 773, 773 act; of sound, 327332; of waves, 312313 lab Proteins, 742, 742743, 743 Proton(s), 507, 507, 512, 513, 536, 537, 537, 538, 538 884 STUDENT RESOURCES Index activating new stripes in interstripe regions.

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Uksciencegenesdna_detectives index. Furthermore, Levitt points haxkage that the various conceptions of nymphomania neglect the potentially im- portant factor of opportunity as reflected in physical at- tractiveness, place of residence, type of occupation, and marital status. Superimposed computerized hackzge tracings of isolated cleft palate. 2002. The genetic makeup of an individual is set from the moment of conception; in populations, though, all of them playing an active role in the process thus, unlike in Section 7.

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