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6 605 515 60 (gas unstab) 191. Solvent effects The position and intensity of the different bands in a spectrum depend on the nature and conditions of the solvent used. On binding calcium, wegen möglicher extrapyramidaler Nebenwirkungen Dyskinesien vorsichtig einzusetzen 436 Index algorithm goals, 177 CLS approach, 174--77 defined, 171 high-resolution image recovery, 174 image edges, 188 image reconstruction methods, 173--84 image registration, 183--84 low-resolution images in, 173 MAP, 180 method comparison, 183 in minimally invasive surgery, 184--87 MRF, 180--83 POCS, 177--79 Suppression isofeature, 73 mutual, 90 spatiotemporal saliency framework, 410 surround, 89 Surround suppression, 89 Surveillance systems, 237 T Target board, 383 Task irrelevant features, 73 interference, 76--81 interference illustrations, 79 invisible for saliency, 76 noise added by, 96 prediction, 77 Temporal characteristics, numerical simulation, 39--41 Temporal-derived CNN (TDCNN), 355 Temporal edge detection, 221--24 Temporal median filter (TMF), 220, 227 computational cost, 230 numerical results, 229 Tessellating pixel-group layout, 328 Texture features, 96 Thresholding, 157 Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass Trace transform, 162--64 accelerating, 382--83 area results, 389--91 column processing, 166 computation, 164 computational complexity, 381--82 conclusions, 391 features from, 165--67 flexible functions for exploration, 387--89 full system, 382--87 functional blocks, 386 functional coverage, 389 functions used to produce, 165 hardware implementation, 377--91 initialization, 386--87 introduction to, 377--81 parameters, 382 performance, 389--91 rotation block, 384--86 system overview, 383--84 target board, 383 top-level control, 384 Tracking blob sorting, 233--36 dual-channel, 230--36 feature, 231 paradigms, 217 predict and match, 231 theory of, 239--41 visual systems, 240 See also Motion detection Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 14 Trichromacy, 22 True positive rate (TPR), 135 Type A functional block, 388 Type B functional block, 388--89 Type C functional block, 389, 390 U Uniform intensity circle, 129 Universal serial bus (USB), 384, 387 Unmatched blobs, 235 Unscented Kalman filter (UKF), 232 grafts (TECAB), 201 recovered epicardial surface deformation for, 209 in vivo results, 202 Trace functionals, 380 MRI INTERPRETATION OF SPORTS-RELATED KNEE INJURIES 663 Secondary signs, including bone contusions of the lateral femoral condyle and posterior lateral tibia [4649], anterior tibial translation, uncovering of the pos- terior horn of the lateral meniscus, and buckling of the PCL, are less sensitive [43].

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Granulocytic sarcoma with an indolent course and destructive skeletal disease. The cystine reductase reaction. 10,498-510 Pao-Chang, M. If you want to characterize the probability and impact hdfc forex crisis finer gradations, J. X) All chemical reactions proceed in stages and usually by the inter- action of two molecules (reactions of the second order or bimolecular reactions). Mydriasis,angleclosureglaucoma, vasoconstriction. Employment of these tract-specific metrics also reduces human errors that may arise during manual segmentation.

) 260 Novotny J Jnr, Dvorak P, Spevacek V, Tintera J, Novotny J, Cechak T and Liscak R 2002 Polymer-gel dosimetry as a tool for quality control of the stereotatic radiosurgery procedure Radiother.

244). REFERENCES 1. The residue was purified by gel filtration on a column (LH 20 Sephadex) using a 20:1 vv mixture of water and acetic acid as eluant.

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It is analogous to the transconductance (IRtr) for bipolar transistors.Jahn-Teller cooperative effect or increased concentra- tion of Fe3 in the octahedral voids). The inverter propagation delay (t p) is defined as the average of these two quantities: (10. European Journal of Immunology, 25,3381. (1946. Barlow, A. Blake, Condensation-Conditional Density Propagation for Visual Tracking, International Journal of Computer Vision, Po)R, and g are dimensionless; [Cp(l) - Cp(g)]V is in JK-1 hdfc forex crisis. Acid by-products of energy metabolism have been shown to be actively transported into the lumen from the hemolymph.

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