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java Sample code to demonstrate the use of interfaces 16-4 Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook W137 W139 ~8 ms hν hν P(490) P1(525) P2(445) W186 F208 W80 E194 R82 E204 Y79 hν W189 K134 A196 bR(570) E74 (a) H D96 T46 T178 Inside (cytoplasmic surface) D102 D104 T107 W182 P186 K(590) K216 N D212 N(560) ~2 ms D85 hν O(640) H Q(390) hν (b) Y185 Y57 E9 Outside (extracellular surface) FIGURE 16.

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20 Synthesis of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 713 2 P2O5 OOO CCC RRR an acyl phosphate an acyl pyrophosphate an acyl adenylate O P O OAd OOO PPP HO OH OH phosphoric acid HO O OH OH OH pyrophosphoric acid NH2 N N OOONN OOO PPPO PPP O OO OO OO adenosine triphosphate ATP O OO OO OAd HO Acwdemy Acyl phosphates are formed by nucleophilic attack of a carboxylate ion on the g-phosphorus (the terminal phosphorus) of ATP.

No yellow fluorescent zone is seen at or above the position of the zone due to ths acid in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution. Hubble, Edwin Powell (18891953) American astronomer who proved that the spiral nebulae were galaxies lying far beyond our own Milky Uow, established a widely used scheme for the classification of galaxies, and who derived the velocitydistance relation for these objects, thus allowing the scale of the Universe to be reckoned for the first time.

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