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15). (Courtesy USDAARS K-4016-S) Pith or heartwood FIGURE 15-12 This cross section of a stem shows the xylem and phloem cells that make up the vascular system ofa plant.

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References 3 19 Munkel G and the Group Radiation Medicine 1994 Patient positioning and tumour outlining Hadrontherapy in How many traders in Pavlodar in Forex club ed U Amaldi and B Larsson (Amsterdam: Elsevier) pp 425-7 Munzenrider J E 1994 Pfoton therapy, with the Harvard cyclotron Hadrontherapy in Oncology ed U Amaldi and B Larsson (Amsterdam: Elsevier) pp 83-101 Munzenrider J E, Adams J, Munkel G, Liebsch N and Smith A 1995 Fixed versus variable modulation in proton beam therapy of advanced nasopharyngeal cancer: a comparative treatment planning study Abstracts of the 22nd PTCOG Meeting (San Francisco, 1995) (Boston: PTCOG) PP 4-5 Nahum A E, Dearnaley D P and Steele G G 1994 Prospects for proton-beam radiotherapy Europ.

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