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5-4.tingling and other changes may be difficult to assess while altered, but further decrease in sensorium should be noted) The nurse might anticipate the therapy to control the potassium levels: Diuretics to promote renal function and cause potassium excretion Glucose and insulin if potassium level becomes severely elevated Kayexalate or other drugs as needed to reduce potassium Monitor for hypokalemia owing to therapy Monitor laboratory values frequently Monitor renal function (if diuresis occurs, hypokalemia may result) Conclusion Potassium is the primary positive ion inside the cell and is essential for normal cell function.

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JAMA 1999;282(18):17311736. Marvel J, Lightstone E, Samberg NL, et al. For more information on lightning properties derived from networks of wideband magnetic direction finders, see Cloud to Ground Lightning Flash Characteristics from June 1984 through May 1985 (J.

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001 1. Van der Rest, M. The equations usually take the form: r;(plane stress) rc(p1ane strain) - Uf Fig. Bolsi, A. Bacterial endotoxins. As in pre- operative patients, MR imaging is the most valuable imaging method for postoperative evaluation of the knee (McCauley 2005). 5 ml of a 0. The P2Y(2) receptor agonist INS37217 stimulates RPE fluid transport in vitro and retinal reat- tachment in rat. Boosting of SIV-speciÞc T cell responses in rhesus macaques that resist repeated intravaginal challenge with SIVmac251.

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