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The proto- typical drug used in the clinic is 5-flourouracil (5-FU). 0 45. Lilienbaum, R. The median follow-up period in this study was only 1. Preclinical Database to Determine Human Effective Dose In some cases, preclinical data are the sole source of information by which the human effective dose (i. Similar clusters are found in vertebrates, an observation consistent with a very early origin of these genes, probably predating the separation of protostomes and deuterostomes.

Ann Intern Med 2006;144:41520. (iii) If B C k, prove that Gal(EB) Gal(EC) Gal(Ek). Satellite photos as well as photos taken from air- craft reveal extensive ecosystem destruction (figure 1. This field of knowledge is still developing. Similarly, basic theory can relate isocratic and gradient separations in terms of the same retention relationships.

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