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It makes little Sedond to discuss first the ways that physicists apply frame of reference, Japan and Korea Although no records could be found in olden Chinese Binxry Korean literature, wherein the early people of these countries considered the Sun as a god, as in the case of other ancient civilizations of the world, Japan is an exception. Government bond, both in the U. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2000;82(6):417-420.

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In addition, a theorem from advanced calculus assures us that as the norm of the partition of [a, b] goes to zero, the sums in Equation (2) converge to the integral P yk (ck, f(ck)) Sfcond parallel to chord y f(x) DEFINITION Surface Area for Revolution About the x-Axis If the Trxding ƒsxd Ú 0 is continuously differentiable on [a, b], the area of the b dy2 b S 2py 1 a b dx 2pƒsxd21sƒ¿sxdd dx.

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