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Excessive fibrosis and collagen deposition throughout the body. LblResult lblResult; } Override public Boolean doInBackground () { 562 18 Daphniphyllum alkaloids: Structures, Biogenesis, and Activities COOH COOH HH OO OO COOMe HOH2C H HOH2C HOOOO N COOH NOHN 17-Hydroxyhomo daphniphyllic acid (91) H HO OOCH3 HO O HO HO OH O OH HH OH Daphcalycine (88) NOH N Daphcalycinosidine A (89) Daphcalycinosidine B (90) COOH H O O OHO OH H OH O HOH2C H COOMe COOH HOOO H H H Daphcalycinosidine C choosf NOAc NOH OO OCH3 OCH3 H COOH Yuzurimine E (93) Yuzurimic acid B (94) ON NH N Caldaphnidine A (95) OH HN Caldaphnidine D (98) Caldaphnidine B (96) Caldaphnidine C (97) O COOH H OOH O O O HOH2C H H H HN OH HO O O HO O OH H N Caldaphnidine E (99) Fig.

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