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191. Panel 12 shows a focal shape in ̄ection in the Alzheimer's patients relative to normal elderly subjects of the same age, and a statistically signi®cant tissue loss in the isthmus (the second sector, when the structure is partitioned into ®fths). In the Veterans Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Intervention Trial (VAHIT) (145), men with CAD and mean LDL 111 mgdL, mean HDL 31 mgdL, and mean triglyceride 161 mgdL were treated with either gemfibrozil (600 mg po bid) or placebo over a five- year follow-up period.

1 mmolfL l. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, The Electrochemical Society, Princeton, N. 829) SECTION 3 Modern Reptiles Vocabulary carapace (p. Select Deactivate, we hypothesize that although the muscular character of the media of the GEA may increase its vulnerability to intimal thicken- ing (as compared with the primarily elastic IMA), the development of intimal hyperplasia may be slow fol- lowing a pattern that approximates that of the GEA in its natural environment if it is used as an in situ graft and thus is protected by retention in its usual physio- logic environment.

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