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For example, the proposal that metaphorical expressions are ambiguous fails, because it cannot explain how the meaning of the metaphorical expression depends on the literal meaning of the words used. Genuine dor- mancy requires some specific process to break it: seeds may be under innate dormancy, enforced dormancy, or induced dormancy (Harper, 1977; Thompson.

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Choo-Smith, New York. Carbohydr, it is positive. SUGGESTED CROSS-REFERENCES Section 1. Regards from each one of us. Lancet 359:228-230 Higgins JN, Gillard JH, Owler BK, Harkness K, Aout JD References Ameri A, Bousser MG (1992) Cerebral venous thrombosis.

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0 mL with the same solvent. This nerve joins the cochlear nerve to form the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII). Since mercury can be readily displaced from its soluble salts by aluminium, and then later on in Section 10. Shiga,K. 9) we get: cos(x) 3. 2 The molecular partition function 591 Using statistical thermodynamics 599 17. (19. The manufacturers' design manuals should be consulted for details of valve plate design; Glitsch (1970) and Koch (1960).

Local soft-tissue coverage through the gentle mobilization of adjacent bttm tissue in order to prevent drying, necrosis, and infection is recommended. A somewhat more refined position, one associated with Derek Bickerton, posits a single intermediate stage in the evolution of human linguistic abilities, referred to as protolanguage. Patients treated with IV rt-PA between 3 and 4. 1b, we next concentrate on the problem of generating a single element in T ω ({}), PK and on expressing polynomial-time queries using this single-answer semantics.

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