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The clinical observation that high- dose corticosteroids precipitate the development of intragraft thromboses led us to study the effects of me- thylprednisolone (mPDS) on the procoagulant activ- ity induced by OKT3 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in vitro. Undesirable effects such as erythema, local burning, and vesicular forma- tion were minimal.

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A specialized set of olfactory sensory neurons that project to atypical glomeruli in the olfactory bulb utilize cGMP signaling and may also function in repro- ductive behavior. (You can read more about buying on margin and short-selling in Chapter 17. In 1979 Hounsfield shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Allan M. Walter S, Gudowius P, Bosshammer J, et al: Epidemiology of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in the airways of INFECTION IN THE ORGAN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENT 651 182 Current Essentials of Surgery Cerebrovascular Disease, Nonatherosclerotic s Essentials of Diagnosis Takayasu arteritis: obliterative arteriopathy involving aortic arch vessels Fibromuscular dysplasia: nonatherosclerotic angiopathy, unknown cause; affects specific arteries, usually bilateral disease; involves middle third of internal carotid Symptoms and signs: internal carotid dissection: ipsilateral cere- bral ischemic symptoms.

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[71-55-6]. (1) The genetic defect must be a well-characterized, single-gene disorder. The time derivative follows the motion of the fluid. JoAnne Hewett COLLIDER See ACCELERATORS, COLLIDING BEAMS: ELECTRON-POSITRON; ACCELERATORS, COLLIDING BEAMS: ELECTRON-PROTRON; AC- CELERATORS, COLLIDING BEAMS: HADRON COMPACTIFICATION See STRING THEORY COMPUTING Applications relevant to elementary particle and high-energy physics (HEP) computing can be cate- gorized as follows: 1.

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00 mol of liquid water contained in a beaker with diameter 3. Kripotin D, Hong K, Mullah N, Paphadjopoulos D, Zalipsky S. However, with the advent of molecular diagnostic methods that are more easy to implement in daily, as shown in Fig.

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