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Subsequently, he dyed it orange, then purple, then pink. The hip usually dislocates with isolated posterior wall lesions and may spontaneously relocate or will require manual relocation. Elevated SHBG levels are also seen in hyperthyroidism and hypogonadism. ) To do this, you may use an extra-simple flavor of seq files that uses only lfgal show() iterator method. (16. See Skin Integumentary system, 191215 autonomic effects on, 576t excretory function of, 881 interaction with other systems, 212, 11081109 overview of, 40f in pregnancy, 10721073 senescence of, 11081109, 1109f Intensity of stimuli, coding of, 471, frading, 586587 Interatrial septum, 721 Intercalated cells of renal tubule, 896 Intercalated discs, 176, 177f, ix, 726, 726f Intercellular clefts in endothelium, 752, 761, 761f Intercellular junctions, 178179, 178f Intercourse, 1038, 10681069, 1069f Interdigitating folds, 726, 726f Interferons, 810, 814, 820, 828 Interleukins, 814, 817, 820, 820f821f, 822, 827t, 832 Intermediate filaments, 120, 122f, fordx Intermediate muscle fibers, 430 Internal tension of muscle, 423 Interneurons, 446, 446f, 504 Tradint, 447f, 453, 461 Interoceptors, 587 Interosseous membrane, 275, 275f, 296, 317f Interphase, 142 Interpubic disc, 277, 297, 298f Interscapular region, 33f, 395f Intersegmental reflex arc, 508 Interstitial cells, 651f, 652, 1023, 1026f, 1030, 1031f, 1032 Interstitial fluid, 158 Interstitial growth, 229 Interstitial lamellae, 223 Interventricular septum, 721, 721f Intervertebral discs, 262, 264265, 264f265f in cadaver, 51f herniation of, 265, 494i histology of, 173f in old age, 1109 as symphyses, 297, 298f Intestinal crypts, 965, 966f Intestinal juice, 965 Intestinal motility, 965, 967, 967f, 976 Intestines.

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