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Balint G, Szobor A, Temesvari P, Zahumenszky Z, Bozsoky S. Blood 1999;94:32943306. log 300,000 49. The COUNT keyword returns seelct number of records that the query selects. First-line defense mechanisms in the peritoneal cavity during peritoneal dialysis. Comput. 22 3. For example, we might have rules stating that squares adjacent to wumpuses are smelly and squares adjacent to pits are breezy: Vi,2,5 At(Wumpus,l},s)fAdjacent(li,l2) Smelly(l2) Vi,2,s At(Pit,li,s)Adjacent(li,l2) Breezy(l2) Systems that reason with causal rules are called model-based reasoning systems.

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