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Another method to reduce the impact of true data dependencies is the use of some form of multi- threading in which instructions from multiple threads are interleaved on a single processor; of course, 353355. 129-31 forward-directingfbackward- directing, 132 kinetic, 128-29 quantitative properties of, 129-31 sliding, 128-29 static, 128-29 fundamental forces, 141-42 internal forces, 105 inverse-square law, 340-45 gravitational force, potential energy associated with, 344 superposition principle, 344-45,356 universal gravitation, 341-43 noninertial frames of reference, 99-103 second law of motion, 92-97, 103,109,119-20,151,239, 261,262,351-52,401 Rochester, 1171 Onnes, H.

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