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This, combined with fragments from the device, soil, and footwear, produces the classic land-mine injury of complete tissue destruction, distally associated with traumatic amputation at the midfoot or distal tibia (Figures 3-5 and 3-6). 7) apparently reach the surface through microscopic pulsed or intermittent operation, 229, 289; s e e a l s o Duty currenciee 139, Vehicle, s e e Missile; Satellite; Spacecraft; Space launch vehicle, acceleration, 113 base geometry and recirculation, 649-650 flight performance, 102-156, 324 forces, 106-108 integration with thrust vector control, 621-622 masses, definition, 103 multistage, 16, 139-144 power, 37 velocity of ij, 37, 104, 109, 112, 118, 122, 130, 668-669 Velocity (exhaust gas), s e e a l s o Nozzle, exit and exhaust velocity; Characteristic velocity; Specific impulse.

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