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Acute paediatric spinal cord con- ditions rarely present as emergencies except in the setting of trauma or vascular events, and in these, the principles of management are the same as for adults. 1 foeex i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 α(ai,ai1) α(ai,ci1) α(bi,ai1) α(bi,ci1) α(ci,bi1) α(ci,di1) α(di,bi1) α(di,di1) 1.

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|Fo| |Fc| omit map of the hydrogen atoms around the residues Ala43 (a), Ile7 (b) Hb2 Asn21 Hb1 Fig. φ(xm,yn) is the distrib- ution of the object wave phase and C an additional constant phase off-set.

335 xix 244 5 Heaps add in front of left list current next; } else if( next-height current-height ) add blocks { if( next-key current-key ) { next-left current-left; current-left next-right; next-right current; next-height 1; current next; } else { next-left current-right; current-right next; current-height 1; } } else next-height current-height { next-left current-left; exchange current, next current-left next; insert next just below current } } return( current ); } The delete min code needs some care, Kawachi K, et al.

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1 7. Cytologic studies of the CSF may be performed to detect ma- lignant cells because CNS tumors can shed cells into the CSF. 02727 M Temperature and Pressure Effects on Solubility The solubility of most solids increases with increasing temperature. Azithromycin has a prolonged half-life ranging between 2 and 5 days and a slow release from tissues. It is not on your master list. Grant JP (1991) The State of the Worlds Children: 1991 [Con- tains full texts of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the World Declaration and Plan of Action from the World Summit for Children].

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