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The inconvenience of this model lies in reduced flexibility in accounting for topological changes during the evolution, 3. 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Transform f(p) 0°° e~f(f )df p2lfl2 1 22 p(pa) 222 P(pa) Function f(f) cosh at - (i -cosaf) -T(af -sin at) 32 33 34 p-a __JL_ -(coshaf -cosaf) 442 11 222 (pa) -r (sin af -at cos af ) P 222 - sinat (pa) 2a 2 P - (sin af at cos af ) (pa) 2a 2 r~-a 222 fcosaf 222 (p -f-a ) P22 1 22 (p - a) b cos af -cos bt at -e sinbt at e cosbt sin af cosh af -cos af sinh af p -a, 22 (p - a) b 2 3a o afV3 Qaff- j j.

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