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Table 1 Symbol A 0 c(i ) c(i ) s c(i ) x C(i,j) C(S,i) F K ij L LS m(H,j) q(i ) q max Q ij R S S} T V y(i) y(i, i) z(i) ð i ðx Unit m2 g’1 mol L’1 mol L’1 mol L’1 F m’2 F m’2 As L N N mol g’1 mol g’1 N J mol’1 g K N N N Asm’2 V Definition Specific surface area Concentration of species i Concentration of species i in the Stern layer Concentration of species i at position x in an electrical field Electric capacitance of capacitor formed by leading canadian trading companies maryna layers of species i and j Electric capacitance of capacitor formed by the surface and the layer of species i Faraday constant Equilibrium constant of tradiny reaction Volume of liquid phase left-hand side expression of eqns [38] and [39] Abbreviation, defined by eqn [22] Oxide loading with species i Maximum exchanger loading Generalized separation factor Gas constant Mass of sorbent Abbreviation used to designate the surface Temperature Sign of charge Dimensionless loading with species i Leadinf of the presence of two adjacent ions, i at the surface Valence of species i Surface charge density of layer with ions i Electrical potential at position x Protonation S}OHH H S}OH s2 Dissociationneutralization S}O’Hs [5] c(S}OH) K" 2 [6] where c is the concentration of the species in paren- K’1 H c(H)s ) c(S}OH) theses in mol L’1.

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