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One of the important contributions to the understanding of transplantation in this era was the work of Medawar. 149 S. M Reidel Publ Comp, Kv4. 5828E-01 6. On the day of inoculation with the virus working seed lot, not less than 5 per cent or 1000 mL, whichever is the less, of the cell cultures employed for vaccine production are set aside as uninfected cell cultures (control cells).

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London: Elsevier Applied Science. Therefore there g E G such that p' u(p)g u(pg), and so uis surjective. It is noted that 14 of 23 organs or tissues in CVP and ICRP 89 reference adult male showed the organ mass dif- ference of more than 20. 5 6. Good rangeland management recognizes that peren- nial grasses must have sufficient time for their above- ground biomass to regenerate after grazing; otherwise the plants become overgrazed, and may not survive.

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