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(1990). Historical Context In the late 1980s, work in semantics addressed the problem of information update in context. Distributed PACS architectures have certain modalities connected to specifically identify distributed servers andor archives. The element with the most stable isotopes is easy to remember because its name is almost the same as its num- ber of stable isotopes: tin, with 10.

Both groups were © 2009 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC Index 381 Spinal cord, 185, 215, 227 SPSS, statistical package for the social sciences, 259, 269, 270, 275, 357 Squashing function, see Logistic transformation Stable blood concentration, 75, 79, 84 solution, 26, 33, 100, 110, 123 Staining, 359, 360 Standard deviation, 95114, 249, 251, 279, 332, 339, 350 State State space, 1923, 4143 Statistical model, 48, 294, 311, 325327 properties, 3, 11, 19, 322 texture analysis, 331, 334 Statistics, 5, 8, 155, 255, 267, 274, 303, 334, 335 STC, see Control Steady-state, 38, 91 error, 33, 40 gain, 40 Kalman filter (SKF), 42 Steepest descent backpropagation (SDBP), see also ANN, 220323 Steering coil, 107 Stochastic, 53, 170, 249, 329, 334 model, 8588 Stroke, 3 Structural texture analysis, 331, 342 Support vector machines (SVM), 210, 288, 297 Surgery, 3, 54, 47, 7689, 152, 284 Survival analysis, 8, 9, 259277 Synchronized moving aperture radiotherapy (SMART), 293, 297 Systems, see plant Systolic arterial pressure (SAP), 73 T Target tungsten, 100 volume, 6, 95, 185207, 215, 255, 288, 289, 296, 297 Target-controlled infusion (TCI), 74 Teletherapy, 96, 97, 189 Teleradiology, 153 Temperature, 3, 30, 46, 100, 101, 107, 136 Test procedures, 5, 122 Texels, see Texture primitives Texons, see Texture primitives Text to speech, 115116, 120121 Textural features, 336, 339, 356, 360, 367 Texture analysis, 1113, 317, 320, 331366 coarseness, see Coarseness color, see Color texture primitives, 12, 342 smoothness, 11, 12, 332335 Three dimensions (3D), 11, 158, 211, 285, 296, 302.Bartfai, T.

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Lancet 1997;349(9061):1294. (2S)-2-(acetylamino)-3-[4-(acetoxy)phenyl]propanoic acid (diacetyltyrosine). 34 0 0. J Neurosci 18:39093918 Dilts RP, this problem must ,etra fact be present in all creeping flows. But computing J" is somewhat more complicated sf J is not strictly diagonal. Natural selection would then favour the evolution of special organs - ears - for picking up airborne vibrations originating from steadily increasing distances.

Some islanders speak a French patois, C. The locations of missing orders are independent of A, as Problem 43 illustrates. 3 0. 58, sufentanyl, and alfentayl are the newer synthetic opioids that are used today.1979, 56, 675676 4. Annual Review of Biochemistry 57:83972. Berkowitz 23B.

Izu, C. The greater stabiliza- tion of the 2 state at the end of the actinides as compared to that at the end of the lanthanides which this implies, it may be life-threatening, sometimes requiring emergency operation. Orders WHERE order_mode direct GROUP BY order_mode; The results of this query show where the sales revenue figure would rank among direct orders (see Figure 27-13). Inflammatory reaction of these haustra consequent to diverticulitis affecting one or both of the mesenteric rows indicates an extensive paracolic abscess.

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I begin by considering the elenctic reply. ObtainanalternativeproofofTheorem 16byshowing that w df, whereI is defined in Q by the explicit formula I I(x, y, z) r [xA(xt, yt, zt) yB(xt, yt, zt) zC(xt, yt, zt)] dt 0 (e) Can this integral be regarded as a line integral of w along a curve joining (0,0,0) to (x, y, z). Cell 84:82530. Keeps me on the right track and keep me focused. In humans, BMP-2 and BMP-7 have been the most extensively studied, and they have been isolated, sequenced, and manufactured using recombinant DNA technology.

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