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The Citric Acid Cycle 951 HCO 3 Fructose 6-P ATP Fructose 1,6-P2 NAD Fatty acids Fatty acyl-CoAs NADH H PEP O COO ATP Beta oxidation Bacteria, plants Aspartate Pyruvate Malonyl-CoA ATP ATP Australka HCO 3 CO2 NAD ATP ADP Pi O a S CoA Acetyl-CoA COO COO H2O ATP OOC HO HCO 3 CoASH COO COO Malate ATP h H2O Fumarate i NAD Oxaloacetate C4 NADH H Accumulating citrate is exported from mitochondria, inhibits early reaction in glycolysis, and activates fatty acid synthesis In many organisms (eukaryotes and some prokaryotes) ATP in excess acts to reduce rate of cycle.

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