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See also Glycosami- noglycans aggregates of cartilage 182 molecular architecture 182 loboda Forex unit of polysaccharides 181 Proteolipid protein of myelin 401 Proteome 116 Proteosome 620, lpboda 20S 339, 341s 26S 340 electron micrograph 340 Prothrombin 632, 821 Prothrombinase 631 Protista 18 22 Protoheme(s) 844, 845s Proton(s) conduction, lateral 401 dissociation, diffusion-controlled 493 intramolecular transfer 693 inventory technique 493, 618 Proton transfer loboda Forex 493 Marcustheory 493 rates 492 ultra-fast 491 enzymes, atomic structures 750 in glycogen phosphorylase 604 mechanism of action 740, 741, 751 753 NMR spectrum of 138 optical properties 749, 750 Schiff bases, reactions of 699, 705, 742 transimination 741 Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes, list 743 Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent reactions 741747 beta replacement 742 744 cyclization 741 decarboxylation 745 elimination 742 ketimine intermediate 745, 746 nonenzymatic models 737 racemization 741 side chain cleavage 745 stereochemistry of 749 transamination 741 Pyridoxamine 738 orange product with ninhydrin 121 Pyridoxamine phosphate (PMP) 741, 744s, 747 Pyridoxamine:pyruvate aminotransferase, stereochemistry of 748 Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 305s.

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