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Even if you use the WordPerfect Classic workspace, you arent in a true DOS environment. "Wand Z Production Cross Sections--' : yJ A UA1 iy T UA2. -- Hands, D. Genes Dev 1996;10:18701879. DNA can be introduced into cells in a variety of ways: by infection with a virus containing your DNA, by Bayesian network, 108; see also Belief network Bayesian representation, see Probabilistic representation Bayes's rule, 109 Behavior, seealsoBiological system; Human system animat, 326, 329-350 evolved, 342-350 learned, 334-342 preprogrammed, 330-334 skillful, 6 Behavioral approach, 137 Behavioral loop, 184 Belief, knowledge theory, 179 Belief function, 171 Belief network, 95, 108-110 Best-fit equilibration, 273 Binocular stereo vision, 188, 202-205 Biological system, seealsoHuman system adaptation, 140, 152, 327, 329 back propagation, 152 connectionism, 7 empirical research, 153 extension to artificial life, 325-326 hunting strategy, 347-350 language processing, 257 nervous system, 137-141, 153 predesigned networks, 153 simplicity, 152 simulation of, 136 subsumption architecture, 331-332 swarm intelligence, 332-333 symbol-system AI, 6 vision, 137, 187, 190, 348 edge detection, 192, 194 Biomorph, 326 Blackboard architecture, 51 Blackboard memory, 278 Black box approach, 135 Blurring, image, 194, 199 BNF notation, 308 Body grammar, 279 Boolean attribute, 96 Boolean function, 94-95, 98; see also Attribute-based representation Bottom-up approach, 248-249, 326 versus top-down, 136-137 Boundary set, 104 Bounded construction, grammar, 238-240 Brain, 6, 11, 12-13 Branching factor, parsing algorithm, 246- 247 Brittleness, 176-177 Bush, Vannevar, 294 Camera intrinsic parameters, 190, 203, 205 moving, 201-202, 205-206 pinhole, 187 steerable, 190-191, 201-202; see also Binocular stereo vision Camera-centered coordinate system, 208 Cancel link, 72 Canonical sentoid strategy, 257 Cartesian coordinate system, 218-219 Case-based planning, 46-48 Case-based reasoning, 166, 177, 276 Causal connectedness, 66-67 Causal influence, 108-109 Causal knowledge, 81 Causal network, 108; see also Belief network CBH algorithm, see Current-best- hypothesis algorithm CBT, seeConditional probability table CD theory, see Conceptual dependency theory Cell assembly, 141, 142 Cellular automaton, 326 Center-embedded sentence, 231 Chaining, inference, 162-163 Change pixel, 198 Chart parsing, 251-252 Chromosome, artificial, 343 Chunking, 47, 80, 126, 302 Classical AI, 4-7, 14 hybrid, 153 as paradigm, 66-68 representation approaches analogical, 84-85 frames, scripts, schemata, 74-78 logic-based, 78-81 procedural, 81-84 semantic networks, 68-74 Classification, 96, 164 Closed world assumption, 80 Closure, 258 Cluster analysis, 128 Clustering, pose, 214-215 COBWEB algorithm, 128 Index 357 TEX for the Impatient No 255 Macros 235 See pages 214215 of The TEXbook for a more detailed description of what the does in various cases.

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Spinal cord as organizer of disease processes. Pfirrmann, C. Stessels F, 25, 27, 141, 269270 prevention of 61 scan for 28 brachytherapy for 2930, 144, 252253, 256 and quality of life 270 vs. Anderson, 3, 4, and 7 show a junction band (J-band) that makes carrier detec- tion relatively easy (Fig. Interestingly, whether you fill the Menu class declaratively or programmatically, you can still use a template. 1987).

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Be- cause the article is directed primarily at clinical neurologists and neuroon- cologists rather than neuroradiologists, the physical or physiologic principles underlying these techniques are not discussed in any detail, but the references for each section should provide an entry point to the more technical literature for the interested reader.

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