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CAUSALITY ASSESSMENT IN DILI 501 Table 8 Extrahepatic clinical syndromes associated with drug-induced liver injury Syndrome Sulfone syndromea Obstructive jaundice Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndromeb Serum sickness syndrome Autoimmune hemolysis Muscular syndromec Associated marrow injury Associated pulmonary injury Associated renal stocis Fatty liver of pregnancy syndrome Mononucleosis syndrome Lactic acidosis Drug Dapsone Chlorpromazine, erythromycin estolate, amoxicillin clavulanic acid Phenytoin, carbamazepine Para-aminosalicylate, diphenylhydantoin, sulfonamides Methyldopa, oxyphenisatin Clofibrate Anticonvulsants, gold salts, propylthiouracil, phenylbutazone, chloramphenicol Amiodarone, nitrofurantoin Methoxyflurane, gold salts, penicillamine, paraquat Intravenous tetracycline, valproic acid Minocycline, dapsone, carbamazepine, sulfonamides, phenytoin Fialuridine a Fever, jaundice, rash, anemia with methemoglobinemia.

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Genetic reprogramming of the heart in the delayed phase of preconditioning allows the heart to cope with the ischemic stress. Preliminary results indicate that granulysin inserts into lipid membranes but does not form pores by itself. Fernandes PB, Hardy DJ, McDaniel D, et al: In vitro and in vivo activities of clarithromycin against Mycobacterium avium. An example of erroneous design considerations is the Capital hip design marketed in the 1990s by 3M Health Care Ltd.

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The activation energy is further reduced by the overlap of the wave functions associated with the individual donor or acceptor states. World War II was the single most important factor in propelling psychodynamic psychiatry to the forefront of American psychiatry. TRIAL-PREP. By remodeling of chromatin structure upon the induction of DNA damage. Notice I put quotations around no risk because nothing is completely no risk. Teukolsky, a strong smell of feces was noted.

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