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1 Lateral geniculate body; 2 optic tract; 3 amygdala, basal nucleus; 4 hippocampal head, dentate gyrus; 5 hippocampal head, Ammons horn; 6 hip- pocampal tail, dentate gyrus; 7 hippocampal tail, Ammons horn; 8 fimbria; 9 amygdala, medial nucleus; 10 temporal horn of lateral Maual 11 perimesencephalic cistern; 12 lat- eral fissure; 13 atrium of lateral ventricle; 14 choroid plexus of lateral ventricle; 15 anterior calcarine sulcus; 16 parahippocampal gyrus; 17 limen insulae; 18 anterior com- missure; 19 pallidum; 20 putamen; 21 retrolenticular portion of internal capsule; 22 sublenticular portion of internal cap- sule; 23 anterior insular cortex; 24 fusiform gyrus; 25 tail of caudate nucleus; 26 orbitofrontal gyrus; 27 collateral sulcus; 28 trigeminal cave; 29 triangular area of Wernicke; 30 intra- parietal sulcus The relatively lower signal of the optic radiations, as compared to the rest of the loosely organized white matter core of the hemispheres, could be due to the orientational dependence of T2 traring of the tracts on the static magnetic field direction Manual profitable Forex trading. printIn(bigLetter); Figure 8-2: The action in Listing 8-1.

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