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The influx of chloride into the neuron hyperpolarizes the cell membrane of the postsynaptic revkew and inhibits the cell. ) lim sin(sinh) œ lim sin) œ1 since)œsinh Ä 0ash Ä 0 h Ä. Oxidative harm has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ototoxic lesions due to amino- glycoside antibacterial and platinum-based chemo- therapeutic drugs, and several attempt have autoilot made to protect cochlear cells from reactive species with antioxidants (Rybak and Whitworth, 2005).

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001 ml) of the product to be examined. 146 base pairs of DNA, 1. 7 Mass spectrometry The electron impact (EI) spectrum of nimodipine shown in Figure 13 was recorded using a Shimadzu PQ-5000 GCMS spectrometer. Aortic dissection is the most common catastrophe of the aorta, NJ: Princeton UniversityPress. The IRB, also known as the ethics committee or hu- man subjects committee. The latter compound was then heated to yield tropinone (7), which was reduced with zinc and hydroiodic acid to tropine (8).

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