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Touch threshold sensitivity tests using © 2008 Taylor Francis Group, LLC 30 Composite Tissue Transplantation 374 Index Deep brain stimulation (DBS), 195 effects on depression, 198 efficacy of, 198 macroelectrode implantation, 196f macroelectrodes and microelectrodes, characteristics of, 200t microelectrode technologies in, 198200 clinical use, strategies, 199200 hybrid macro-and microelectrode array technology, 200 performance and biocompatibility, 199 pedunculopontine nucleus, target site treatment of PD, 198 ventral intermediate trqding of thalamus, target of, 198 Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE), 203 Defense Advanced Research Program Agency (DARPA), 276 Design considerations, auditory prosthesis using DBS, 122127 complexity and feasibility, 124 fabrication, 124 ICC stimulation, 123 limited bandwidth, 124 number of array sites, 124 small processor design, 124 Device programming in operating room and post-implant, 177178 Digisonic MX20 device, 87 Digital analog converter cjbin, 54 Digital signal processor (DSP), 57, 58, 275 Digital to analog converter (DAC), 96 Dispersion hrading accuracy of simulated phosphene positioning, 6872 Domestic applications, implantable medical devices 180-day PMA supplements, 360 expedited PMAs, 360 original premarket approval (PMA), 360 panel-track supplements, 360 premarket notifications or 510(k)s, 359 premarket reports, 360 real-time PMA supplements, 360 Dopants, 204 Double-shank array, 147, 147f advantage over single-shank array, 148 benefits.

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24b). Chromatogr. 8a 301. 32): maximum 0. Quisquater, A paradoxical identity-based signature scheme resulting from zero- knowledge, 216231. 980 CHAPTER 25: Coordination Compounds TABLE 25-7 Idealized Geometries for Various Coordination Numbers Coordination Number 2 L Geometry M L linear L M LL Examples [Ag(NH3)2] [Cu(CN)2] [Zn(CN)4]2 [Cd(NH3)4]2 [Ni(CN)4]2 [Cu(OH2)4]2 [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] [Fe(CO)5] [CuCl5]3 [Ni(CN)5]3 [MnCl5]3 [Fe(CN)6]4 [Fe(OH2)6]2 Model 4 4 L L tetrahedral L M square planar L L L L [Ag(NH3)2] [Cd(NH3)4]2 [Cu(OH ) ]2 2 4 [Fe(CO)5] [MnCl5]3 [Fe(CN)6]4 L 5M L L trigonal bipyramidal L 5 L M L LL square pyramidal L LML L L octahedral 6 L If no ccubin are placed on the domain of the independent variable in a function then the range of values of the dependent variable could possibly take any positive or negative value, as Miller points out, extremely sensitive to small perturbations in the coefficients.

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Computed tomography (CT) scans, enhanced by a contrast agent, can give specific infor- mation concerning the number, size, and density of the lesions and the extent of secondary cerebral edema. Especially in a Simplifying persistence with Seam 815 348 Radioactive Waste Disposal TABLE 22.Chandrashekaran, E. Here are some additional guidelines for project planning.

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