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What kind of computer thing. Thepowerfunctionwill provecontroversiailn psychophysics for morethanthirtyyears. D 54, 12611272. See also current effective value, 139 effective voltage, 37, 4041 electrons, charge of, 23 energy in capacitor, 109110 conservation of, 22 in inductor, 115 equationsalgorithms for average power, 38, 4041, 185187, 190192 for Bode plots, 244252, 247f, 248f, 250f for charge in capacitor over time, 108, 108f for coefficient of coupling, 119 for current from charge, 3 for current in transformer, 198200 for current through capacitor, 144146, 144f for current through load, 185187 100 Chapter 2 '10 0' and 0-10 A 0 Xo 01 00-1.

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