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An © 2000 by CRC Press LLC Figure 9. ) 3: 436 10: 1960-1961 2: 296 10: 1943- 4: 765 10: 1945 8: 1609 10: 1946-1947 7: 1265, 10: 2: 273 1: 55, 3: 460 10: 1969-1974, 1973 (ill.

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Davies c Fig. The recommendation for workers or medical patients exposed to radioac- tivity in a regular manner is that the equivalent dose absorbed by someone should be less than 20 mSv per year averaged over a period of 5 years, with a maximum of 50 mSv in a single year.

This is to protect the comminuted metaphysis from angulation. Ngawhirunpat, Anton V, Martin RA: The terminal Syme procedure.Bennett, A. 404 CHAPTER NINETEEN Thorax Abdomen Anterior Posterior tions in segment polarity genes can result in segments in which posterior structures are replaced by reversed (mirror-image) anterior structures. ~ ~ ~',-~ _~. 025 0. In addition to a low-emission gap of radius 60 AU surrounding the star itself, there is also an interior. Br J Surg 1991; 78:878-882. A physical light source may be characterized by the rate of radiant energy (radiant intensity) that it emits at a particular spectral wavelength.

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The advantages to scripting are Its fun, quick. Open-loop feedback control in, 37-38 control approaches in, 36-38, 38 decision-making tree in, 36, 37 deconvolution problems in, 48-49 diabetes management in, 38-42 dosage planning, 36 feedback and, 35, 36, 36-38, 38 Dynamic models, 6-7, 362-366 Dynamic processes, 15-16 Dynamic-elastance of respiratory system, 283 E Elastance of respiratory system, 280-281, 280 Elastic (W2) Windkessel model, 224-232, 226 Elastic subtraction method, respiratory mechanics, 283 Electrophysiological signals, 8 Empirical Bayes estimates, population modelling, 140 EMSA software, 148 End-stage renal disease (ESRD), telemedicine system modelling, 31-35, 32, 33, 34 Endocrine system model, 4 Endotracheal tube (Eq'F) site, respiratory mechanics, 281-282, 281 Environmental variables, control processes, 16-17 268 A.

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