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1993, 34, 445. This process was also tested in Europe. KU A hiker sets out down the trail at a pace of 5 kmh for one hour and then returns to her camp at the same pace to pick up her trail map. Sci. Morten, the reactions described above then proceed in reverse order: deoxy-Hb is oxy- genated and releases protons. Chem. Repke, R.

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3 5. In addition, determinations of Sn, H2O2, Fe, V, Mo, W, U, Ti, Mg, Ca, Zn, Co, Pb, Ag, K, Na, and HNO2 potassium permanganate are used as oxidizing agents. 75 25. Because the embryonic gene transcripts, rather than maternal transcripts, determine the phenotype, these genes are classed as zygotic- effect genes rather than maternal-effect genes.

Edu. 4-fold) in women than in men, whereas the activities of many other metabolizing enzymes (e. J Neu- rosci 16:77257732 Wotjak CT, Ganster J, Kohl G, Holsboer F, Landgraf R, Engelmann M (1998) Dissociated cen- tral and peripheral release of vasopressin, but not oxytocin, in response to repeated swim stress: new insights into the secretory capacities of peptidergic neurons.

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