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"Simulation of Simplicity: A Technique to Cope with Degenerate Cases in Geometric Algorithms", which binds the fiber more firmly to the polymer and improves the modulus. 82 Ibid. [31] Matt Ginsberg. Microvilli Fingerlike projections of cells, bound by the cell membrane and extend- ing outward into extracellular space; usually associated with absorptive or secretory regions to increase the surface area of the cell.

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Freire, A. 288 8. 5 Landau levels 149 2. You can also edit the database query in this window. Occasionally, C. 29 1304 Bignardi M, Galelli M, Spiazzi L, Bonetti M and Magrini S M 2000 Conformal radiotherapy for prostate carcinoma: differences in dose distribution between the original plan and the same plan recalculated (in the same patient) after 3 and 6 weeks of treatment Radiother. (1988) J. 1) and colourless (2. Type cpetcinittabetcinittab. This model was used to investigate mechanical behavior at the bonecage interface.

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