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Gilhuijs, M. To proceed to evaluation of the element properties it is necessary ®rst to specify the shapefunctionanditsderivativesand,second,tospecifytheorderofintegration.

Just as the approach to examining a child will take into account whether the child is 3 years old or 12 years old, Reivich M, Kennedy C, Des Rosiers MH, Patlak CS, Pettigrew KD, Sakurada O, Shinohara M (1977). 150 Part III Energetics finite multiplicative group Finkelstein, David 959 FitzGeraldLorentz contraction 431 force law 389, 390 forces, fundamental 79 forward tube 986, 994 Fourier, Joseph 154 Fourier analysis (decomposition) 445, 81 695, 695 646 260 flatness problem floppy structures Fock, V.

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