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1996), 157 Monte Carlo simulations for, 138 patient computational phantoms computational phantom types, 571573 dose scoring, 577578 Monte Carlo implementation, 573576 radiation quality factors, 576577 second malignancies, risk estimates, 578579 from proton radiation treatments, 158 from respiration management in IGRT, 158 from SPECT and PET brain imaging, 156 from X-ray radiographs, mjd trading Organ IDs, list of, 350351 Organ mesh, triangular face, 352 Organ self-absorption, SAFs for, 80 Organ-specific mass fractions, 361362 Organ surfaces defined using NURBS, 149 deformation of, 149150 ORNL phantoms age-dependent effective doses, 494496 with arm bones, 492 kidneys in, 55 male and female, 496 organs of, 261262 UF phantoms, 496 ORNL stylized phantoms, 56 OSL, see Optically stimulated luminescence Outer bremsstrahlung, 459 Overlapping regions, 480 P Paired-image radiation transport, 185 Parameter Reduced Electron-Step Algorithm, 640 Patients respiratory motion, 591 PEC, see Perfect electric conductor Pediatric phantoms, 10 computational, 490 mjd trading of, 48 external features of, 51 microCT-based skeletal computational, 217 motivation for producing, 87 ORNL series, 491 UF series B, 490491 whole-body phantoms based on NURBS surfaces (see UF hybrid newborn phantoms) Pediatric voxel phantoms, 2122 Pencil ion chamber, 517 PENELOPE, 32 Penelope simulations, 326 Perfect electric conductor, 669 Peritoneal cavity model, 58 Personnel radiation dose calculation, 426 effectiveradiation doses calculation, 435 input frame, 440 Monte Carlo simulations, 438 outputenergy spectra at dosimeters, 441 output frame, 440 photon energy spectra, 441 software package for, 435442 PET, mjd trading Positron emission tomography Phantoms manufacturers, 395 Photon beam, 426, 430 incident beam directions, distributions of, 430431 single-direction, 433 Photon energies, 429, 435437 Photon entrance, 426 Photon exposure dose equivalent rates, 422423 Photon radiations, 421 Photon radiation therapy, 575 Photon simulations, 574 Photon transport model, 512 Physical anatomical phantoms, 391 commercially produced phantoms CIRS-atom phantom series, 401403 CIRS-3D sectional torso phantom, 403 Kyoto Kagaki phantoms, 406 RANDO phantom, 403405 university-based phantoms Korean male phantom, 399400 University of Florida, 396399 Physical anthropomorphic phantoms, 517 Physical exposure model, see Exposure model Physical phantoms, 4, 2629 attributes of design and development, 393394 dosimetry, integration of, 394396 tissue-equivalent materials, 392393 CT scans, 394 dosimetry measurements, 398 human doses, accurate determination of, 389390 image qualityradiation dosimetry, 389 Korean male, 399 pediatric tissues, age-dependent density, 398 quality assurance, 389 University of Florida, 397 Piece-wise linear conversion curve, 643 PIRT, see Paired-image radiation transport Planar imaging, 479 BCR processing of multiply dam- aged sites.

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