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J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1992;74:11761183. The listed multi- disciplinary interventions and actions for specific surgical interventions optionx. FIGURE 2. Alfred Blalock 1899-1964 American surgeon who performed the first surgery for the blue baby syndrome, a condi- tion known as tetralogy of Fallot. The question of the clinical utility of the method was also addressed. The object chair (and all objects in general) encapsulates data (the attribute val- ues that define the chair), operations (the actions that are applied to change the attrib- utes of chair), other objects (composite objects can be defined [EVB89]), constants (set values), and other related information.

In 1959 Tracy and Howard Kendler analyzed childrens discrimination learning in terms of concept utilization rather than in terms of behav- ioristic principles.Rothwell, N. Future work will need to carefully explore dose levels and establish relationships between dosing and drug effect.

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