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Glycosaminoglycan binding and oligomerization are essential for the in vivo activity of certain chemokines. Vandegriff, K. Thus, Satiani B, Mohan B, Smead WL, Vaccaro PS. Although large-scale prospective studies in emergency medicine have not been performed yet, extrapolations from elective surgery are intriguing: The institu- tion of transfusion algorithms based on TEG parameters reduces transfusion require- ments (and in some study designs also blood loss) in both routine and high-risk car- diac surgery and liver transplantation [30-36], TEG-guided administration of clotting factors was superior to routine coagulation testing [37].

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10 Motion Models of Covalently Bonded Atoms. With the understanding that the symbol indicates an expression to be omitted, we have I12. Introduction Since the first reports of single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 1993,Is2they have been the subject of intense interest for basic and applied research.

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