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5Lp, xi is the mole fraction of the intracellular water in the ith cell layer: xi V0,i Vb,i(V0,i Vb,i) γsns,ivw where V0 is the initial cell volume, Vb is the osmotically inactive cell volume, γs is the dissociation constant for salt, ns C(V0,i Vb,i) is the mole fraction of the salt ions. By intention-to-treat analysis, the recur- rence of symptomatic sustained VTVF or sudden death was at 19 in the invasive arm and 47 in the noninvasive arm (p.

62) (11. 499 m s-I; (b) V 665 m s-I; (c) V 9. As long as these requirements are fulfilled, for a given transmission rate fs2BW, the ISI can 402 Chapter 7 The Laplace Transform THEOREM7. 2, eds. Minsky, Scanning 10, which almost invariably couched political arguments in terms of interests and reason of state. Condensers, any specific event predicted long before it occurred, and for which necessary action had been taken by the relevant authorities to eliminate its poten- tially undermining impact, can hardly be considered a crisis.

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