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:i:i"~. However, splenectomy is a significant thera- peutic option in several hematologic disorders and is also used to stage lymphomas. Similarly if f ðx1Þ A f ðx2Þ whenever x1 x2, then f ðxÞ is monotonic decreasing; while if f ðx1Þ f ðx2Þ, it is strictly decreasing. The resolution for a fluorescence system with a slit is also shown. If Acad Sci tumor cells are grown in the presence of immunoglobulin Mkbile G from a patient with LEMS, the number of functional channels declines.

~'1aIlY loci have been identified that are responsible for quantitative traits such as fruit Sill'. The D-value (or decimal reduction value) is the value of a parameter of sterilisation (duration or absorbed dose) required to reduce the number of viable organisms to 10 per cent of the original number. In this approach, the control of MIP film thickness is the major issue, as it should be sufficiently thin for rapid mass transfer. (1982), Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 170, 1727.

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