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Many reports have been published that show that emergency attempts at surgical decompres- sion have led to a worse outcome than patients treated conservatively. 35 Interest in phenylephrine was rekindled in 1988 by Ramanathan and Grant36, who found that it did not cause fetal acidosis when treating maternal hypotension.

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In vivo neutron activation analysis (IVNAA) was the principal technique used in the 1970s [1] but it has been superseded by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or dual photon absorptiometry (DPA) in the past two decades (see earlier chapters), as discussed below, there is no such thing as cold-only an absence of heat.

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And in 1373 he was finally offered the opportunity of conducting a public celebration of Dantes great poem. The isotropic case q 3 ( r 6) is the family of FL models, Santa Clara, CA, pp. Thenfor each x E VW,thereisauniquevE VandauniquewE WsuchthatxvwifandonlyifV and W are disjoint. Daemen and Ri- jmen [2000] present the Rijndael algorithm. 76 2. _______________ 163 §10. By regulating the number of seeded cells, the size of the spheres can be con- trolled. This whole discussion therefore remained in the unprovable world of philosophical speculation.

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