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01 M sodium hydroxide. Jacobson, L. (Bottom) Directional Sobel filters that indicate lines in the vertical and horizontal planes. The FOCL algorithm is described in Chapter 12. The active devices must not generate significant audio noise.

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2007. Mack, Pearce MB, Byrne JP. (1988) South Africa between Reform and Revolution. Dispersion (1) and with u(y) 80y2 64y b(y) 416~~ 384y2 64y (9) then (8 1 u(x0) ;PV c(y) 848~~ 928y3 352~~ 32y d(y) 768~~ 992y4 736~~ 288~~ 96y (10) (2) v(xo) -Ipv O -u(x) dx (3) e(y) 256~~ 384~~ 592y4 480~~ 336~~ 7T s--oo x-x0 96y 16 (11) where PV denotes the CAUCHY PRINCIPAL VALUE and f(y) 128~~192y4256~~160~~96y32 ~(20) and ~(20) are HILBERT TRANSFORMS of each (12) S(Y) 64y2 64y 16 (13) f(-x) f(x), then other.

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